To evaluate an investment in Highly Effective Courses could be useful to consider only three main elements
- Break Even Point: in how many months do I pay back the investment by using the new skills?
- Duration: for how many years can I take advantage of the new benefits?
- Price Earning: how much will I earn from this investment in the future?
From a deep research with thousands of participants, the answers to these three questions are very encouraging
Here they are!
- Answer 1: the break even point is reached in an average period of 1 to 6 months (depending on the field and role of the participants).
- Answer 2: potentially… forever
- Answer 3: multiply your future increases in effectiveness for the years left in your active life
Get the pillars of Me.To.Do® to unlock the power hidden into emotions for a much more effective persuasive communication!
For those who have already purchased the book these courses reveal many keys to enhance their learning and to have a powerful “manual of human surviving” always available.
You will understand how to ethically persuade your brain and the one of others to do something! The decision making process has never been so clear.
All courses are held also online in live streaming

Emotional Power to Improve Revenues
How much more innovative can be in the field of advanced sales techniques based on the exploitation of emotions and behavioral psychology to increase turnover in double digits transforming effort into strength. Not only emotional sales but a Me.To.Do.® integrated with different disciplines to enhance the skills of commercials and sellers. An exclusive tool that gives a very strong competitive advantage. It is a path reserved especially for those who already have a strong sales competence and want to make a further leap in effectiveness by going beyond traditional sales techniques. For those who have attended NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) courses, this path is an indispensable complement to enhance power and avoid potential distortions.
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Staying Alive: Emotional Intelligence for Successful Companies
Why some companies prosper from more than 500 years?
What is the secret recipe beyond a good product?
A Company is a psychoanthropological system in which emotional and relational aspects can be the greatest risk of failure and bankruptcy. We have created an innovative and original pathway to take advantage of the emotional processes involved in motivation, vision and organization. Emotions, as far as they are the main factor in the decision-making process, are the source of a long lasting success. The course is designed as a survival manual for Companies that want to reinvent themself or for Strat-ups that want to increase the probabilities of lasting longer.
It is dedicated to entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals, start-uppers, company consultants.
It is the union between strategic marketing and emotional intelligence with Me.To.Do.® Emotional Power
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New neuro-discoveries applied to Leadership to lead and motivate Your People
Emotional Intelligence applied with a Me.To.Do.® of concreteness and a new emotional semantics become indispensable tools of influence to work on the individual motivations of each team member to boost excellence. The ability to transform effort into strength allows to obtain further advantages: reduction of stress and conflict, higher production levels, lower reputational risks and, of course, a greater organizational well-being!
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Training for Top Performers
A very Exclusive training course for small elite of Top Performer Sellers, Entrpreneur, Managers who want to unlock the secret of being influent and persuasive with everyone.
It is a refined tool for behavioral analysis of people that provides high standing skills to innovate relationships. The most advanced knowledge in the field of neuromarketing, decision theory, an exclusive model of Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Power) and six other disciplines wisely mixed to train human skills to compete with Artificial Intelligence.
The customer profiling is not only the prerogative of the machines, but can also become a tool for human beings to recognize which personality traits are the basis of strategic and tactical choices. Learning how to use the different “emotional languages” that drive the behaviour of every person is a very powerful tool tu get easily to more “YES”!
Getting to know yourself, your customers and your colleagues allows you to better identify the most effective ways to interact with them, creating the maximum profit for all, on the base of a solid ethic and respect for all.
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Emotional Intelligence as a pragmatic tool to ease learning and teaching
The Emotional Intelligence is an excellent tool to achieve three main goals:
- reduce bullying and increase inclusiveness
- reduce early school drop-out rates
- increasing students preparation by removing the use of blocking emotions
The Me.To.Do.® of Emotional Power provides extremely concrete tools for an easy application of emotional intelligence combined with other disciplines such as behavioral psychology, linguistics, biology and neuroscience for a greater well-being of teachers, students and families.
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Training course for Buyers and Negotiators
Negotiation techniques based on what’s new in the decision-making processes combined with the pragmatic of emotions in human communication thaking advantages of the most recent discoveries in negotiation field. Techniques ranging from business negotiation to military negotiation to the negotiation techniques of the best police departments.
A path with remarkable facets applicable in every area of human life… even with you partner and your sons
The Me.To.Do.® developed with Emotional Power works mainly on a new discovery about communication mechanisms used by the human brain when it start an action. We combine new and ancient secrets useful to the knowledge of different personality types (Behavioral Profiling) for a unique result now tested with more than 14,000 students very satisfied (94% 5 star on Trustpilot).
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