our readers


- To entrepreneurs who want to manage their companies in a more powerful way
- To sellers who want new tools to boost their turnover in an increasingly competitive environment
- To those who want to defend themselves against manipulators
- To those who want to be excellent leaders and manage the people in their team in the best possible way

- To couples to better understand each other
- To parents who want to educate by using emotional intelligence to improve relationships with their daughters and sons
- To teachers that want to be more effective and make less effort with their students

- To students that want to get in touch with impossible professors and unpleasant companions
- To those who are attending for a job and want to avoid saying something counterproductive on the job interviews
- To those who are just landed into the hard world of work and want to quickly understand their bosses and their colleagues
- To those who have been working for a long time and still don’t have achieved a brilliant career

antonio meleleo
I am an instructor, trainer, and researcher specialized in business growth and sales network development. Today I apply in my classrooms the results of my experience and mine scientific research that has required decades of in-depth studies.
about me